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Clara Tsang Fung 曾鳳

Hong Kong-raised cellist stages debut in New York
Article 報導
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (New York) 香港經濟貿易辦事處(紐約)
Others 其他
Hong Kong raised cellist Clara Tsang Fung made her first international debut with American pianist Jean Schneider at the Carnegie Hall, New York on March 18, 2014. The cello recital titled "Miraculous Life" featured works by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Cesar Franck. The performance, which was supported by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in New York (HKETONY), attracted an audience of over 200.
土生於香港的大提琴家曾鳳聯同美藉鋼琴家Jean Schneider ,於紐約時間2014年3月18日舉行了國際首演。音樂會名為「神奇人生」,演奏Rachmaninoff 及Franck的作品。是次演出獲得香港經濟貿易辦事處(紐約)支持,吸引過200名聽眾入場。

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